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tv   Happening Now  FOX News  August 5, 2013 8:00am-10:01am PDT

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>> happy anniversary to the hemmers. >> see you tomorrow. jenna: 52 years deserves its own fox news alert. congratulationses to mr. and mrs. hemmer. we have another fox news alert for you right now. we're expecting a big announcement from major league baseball. judgment day for alex rodriguez and 13 other players for the doping scandal shaking up the sport. the commissioner is expected to hand down a lengthy suspension for a-rod. the third baseman can appeal the decision making him eligible to take the field for the yankees tonight. stay with us for fox news and the latest breaking news a little later this hour on what the controversy could mean for a-rod and the sport of baseball going forward. first right now we have brand new stories and breaking news. >> hello, everyone. did she lie? opening argue in a legal showdown whether this woman knew
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her former boss was behind her husband's mother. now a jury will decide. a sugary drink a day is all it takes to the risk the long-term damage to a child's health. what you need to know before they take the next zip. going airborne. the search is on for the driver before he gets behind the wheel again. it is all happening now jenna: growing fear al qaeda is ready to lawn after serious attack. intel from that the most serious threat since nine loaf ven is operational. good to see you on a monday. i'm jenna lee. welcome to happing now. welcome to kelly wright. >> good to be here. we hear operatives are in place
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to launch one or more deadly attacks potentially in the middle east or or here in america. al qaeda in the arabian peninsula based in yemen identified as the primary force behind the plot. lawmakers on the sunday talk shows sacreddable threat suggest that a major attack is about to happen. >> there is awful lot of chatter out there among terrorists about the planning that is going on. very reminiscent of what we sue saw pre9/11. this is the most ear russ threat i've seen in the last several years. >> we need to know and realize we're living in an increasingly dangerous world. this specific threat that we've been briefed on over and over again has reach ad new level. >> this is a wake-up call. al qaeda in any ways stronger than it was before 9/11 because it has mutated and spread and can come at us from different directions. al qaeda in a arabian peninsula is the most deadly of the
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al qaeda affiliates. >> 19 diplomatic posts are closed through end the week. britain, france and germany closing their embassies in yemen. jennifer griffin is live at the pentagon. jennifer, how unusual is this warning? >> reporter: it is very unusual, kelly. the state department as you mentioned the 19 u.s. embassies and consulates mostly in the middle east will close through the end. week. intelligence sources say this is not a dress rehearsal. there is some word that it could involve surgically implanted device. there is word that a al qaeda in the arabian peninsula has a media plan in place for after the attack. >> after benghazi these al qaeda types are on steroids thinking we're weaker and they're stronger. the assumption it is probably most likely to happen in the middle east or about one of the embassies. but there is no guaranty at all. it basically could be europe, it could be. united states, it could be a
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series of combined attacks. >> reporter: what is most unusual, kelly, to hear politicians on both sides of the aisle this weekend supporting the obama administration's decision to handle the intelligence in the way that they have in terms of closing these embassies and consulates. >> given the climate in washington right now, that is most unusual. is there any feeling this is the government issuing a warning at a time when the nsa is under scrutiny for its broad-reaching surveillance programs? >> reporter: well, clearly the information came as a result of those nsa surveillance programs. the doubters may think so but even congressman pete king, republican from new york, former head of homeland security and the administration's most vocal critic says no. >> we can't criticize them for doing too little with benghazi and not criticize them for doing too much. i give them credit for learning from benghazi and that's why they're firming up the embassies. as far as the worldwide alert i think it is absolutely warranted
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in this situation. >> reporter: the al qaeda leader, al-zawahiri who took over for bin laden after he was culled issued calls from separate audiotapes from wherever he is hiding in pakistan. the second 14-minute tape was posted on internet on friday. germany, france, england have intercepted similar intelligence and issued similar precautions closing their embassies in yemen this beak. kelly. >> better be safe than sorry. jennifer griffin from the pentagon, thank you. jenna: peter brookes is a former cia officer and senior fellow for national security after face at the heritage foundation. let's revisit the question how concerned should we feel about this. why do you feel about such concern with what you've seen, read and heard? >> i'm taking lawmakers at their word that they're not selling us everything and they shouldn't but they seem to be concerned. those people who have been briefed on the classified intelligence that brought this about but there is a couple other things i think also at play here, jenna, worldwide.
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we had these prison breaks. we had prison breaks in iraq, in pakistan and libya. that means bad guys are back on the streets and may help these sort of undertake these terrorism acts. we're coming to the -- jenna: if i could because you're making a real important point. the headline buried here because prison breaks happened seemingly sporadically but all within a certain time frame but al qaeda is taking credit for a few of them. >> that's right. iraq, libya, pakistan. some of the people in there were terrorists or islamist militants. we've also got the end of ramadan coming that could happen sometime in week. there is the sell against out there. there is reason to be concerned for a number about reasons that this is a very credible threat and lawmakers are telling us on, in the media that there are specific things going on here. so i think they're doing the right thing here. jenna: you mentioned the end of ramadan. we're not too far away from the 9/11 anniversary.
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it is a few weeks off. >> right. jenna: what is your opinion, peter, of the highly publicized response to these threats? telling the world what we're doing in this one area to counter what we're hearing on the intelligence side? >> well there is a couple things i think about. first of all if you leave an embassy open you make it vulnerable. people come into our epbasies overseas to get visas, to do meetings. you're not only putting embassy personnel at risk and also the foreign nationals that work there. it is not a fortress overseas. by closing them you may need to do that to protect them. the other thing that is important, giving some information that may throw a wrench into the terrorist work such as al qaeda in the arabian peninsula. that may give you additional time to deal with the threat. maybe capture somebody. maybe take a drone strike or there are things you can do. jenna: peter, once we tell the world we heard about this, what about disrupting some of the networks that helped us along the way? >> that's right. jenna: what about being on the
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defense rather than on the offense. a lot of headlines we're dealing with this, talking about shutting things down and closing things off. how about announcing how we'll be more aggressive going after these buys? >> we talked about this many times. i think it is very important to guard intelligence sources and methods. we haven't told them everything. there is more information out there. those leaks could be very damaging to us. maybe the story was coming out and somebody leaked it and they decided to take these steps. i agree a good offense is the best defense. fact of the matter sometimes if the intelligence is not specific enough you may need to do something to protect lives. there also a risk of doing nothing and of course in the shadow of benghazi, i was critical of the administration very strongly last week, in "the boston herald" talking about how they hadn't got these individuals talk walking the streets of benghazi today almost a year after those attacks, i think the administration is very conscious of what happened in benghazi and in boston of course
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with that potential ties overseas. so they're being very cautious. at this point i don't blame them. jenna: your point is well-taken. we don't know everything. we only know what we're told. >> right. jenna: we'll leave a little bit less on that because we don't know exactly what the specifics are. >> right. jenna: i would love your thoughts on this, peter. viewers are giving a lot of opinions on policy. and we had two opinions portrayed on "fox news sunday." i want to play them and get your thoughts. >> okay. >> four years ago, president obama gave a much-heralded speech, outreach to the muslim world. now four years later we're closing embassies throughout the muslim world. year ago, the president said al qaeda is on the run. now we seem to be on the run. i'm not criticizing the decision to close the embassies that is probably the right thing to do for saving american lives and others but, it's a terrible thing that, you know, just a year ago, boasting al qaeda is on the run and usama bin laden is dead. now unprecedented closure embassies. and travel alert which lasts for a month.
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>> which is an offshoot, their own creation. so what we have to do is, i think get away from the politics for a second and under understand the severity of the terrorist threat and fact it has metastasized and has element here and there. this is a new kind of threat and play politics, president obama said al qaeda was gone, that al qaeda has been dismantled thanks to republican and democratic efforts. jenna: your quick reaction. are we better off or worse off? where are we. >> couple things, i think administration has been mugged by reality. we're in a post-usama bin laden era but not a post-al qaeda era. complacency is a major mistake. the other issue here is that i think, you know, closing these embassies like i said i think was a prudent idea, but the fact of the matter is, i think al qaeda sees us as weak of benghazi. there is no justice. there is no punishment for the killing of those four brave americans. there is a number of mixed
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messages out there and the administration has to get it right because we're still in the cross-hairs of groups like al qaeda. jenna: very interesting post-bin laden and post-benghazi. that is interesting combination. peter, great to have you as always. thank you. >> thank you. jon: >> the congressional summer recess starts today but that does not mean lawmakers should expect a break from very big issues causing gridlock on capitol hill. congress is on track to have one of the least productive sessions ever but various interest groups are more motivated than ever to press their causes with legislators once they arrive at home. activists are expected to be out in full force in august. similar to the town hall-style meetings we saw four years ago this month that oppose ad push for obamacare. some groups will be calling to defund obamacare. others will be campaigning in favor and trying to get people to sign up. and opponents and supporters of other controversial matters will also vie for attention,
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including those involving immigration reform and government spending of your tax dollars. still some political watchers say, no matter how intense these drives become, there is no guaranty of legislative results come the fall. jenna: that is the catch, right? some of those town halls a few years ago there was great sound. we'll wait and bring you any sound we hear in the next couple of weeks. meantime a case is not so closed after a woman on trial after her former boss is convicted of murder. prosecutors think she is knows more than letting on about the death of her husband? remember this lady? we'll tell you what is going on with her. new information on a deadly car crash at a popular california boardwalk. now that police have a suspect in custody. witnesses say the scene was so horrific they couldn't believe it was real. >> horrific. there were people flying everywhere. looked like something out of a movie. hmm...fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.
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kelly: right now an update on
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some crime stories we're following. opening arguments beginning this morning in the trial of andrea schneiderman. her former boss was convicted of 2010 murder of her husband outside of a prep school. now a jury must decide if she was the one pulling the strings. 22-year-old barbara wu is facing six felony charges including trying to hire not one but two ex-boyfriends to kill two other former exs in a bizarre murder-for-hire plot. former kansas lawman is waiting to hear his sentence. breath sea cast of convicted of hurting his wife in 2011 and burned down their house to try to cover it up. >> this guy had intent to create mayhem. >> pause he hit the mannequin on impact and his car stopped and he was looking for blood. >> he was swerving and hitting the people and i mean it was just like traumatizing to see.
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some new reaction to that horrific car crash in venice beach, california. and just released surveillance video gives an idea what happened. we need to warn you first the video is graphic. scary to see. there are only four seconds. you get an idea the car was moving fast and some people were definitely injured and one person killed in this. the suspect turning himself in to santa monica police. held on one million dollars bail on suspicion of murder for allegedly plowing through the crowd of beachgoers on purpose. one woman a newly wed on her honeymoon was killed. 11 others were injured during the hit-and-run. will carr live at the scene for us. will, what are folks telling you about what they saw and what happened? >> reporter: jenna, this happened in a very crowded area here on the boardwalk. there were hundreds of witnesses. it also happened in front of this cafe behind me. it is called the candle cafe. they have the surveillance video
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i want to you take a look at. in the video you can see a dark sedan speeding down the boardwalk. police say the driver of that sedan was nathan campbell. they say campbell somehow made it past some barriers to get it on to the boardwalk. that is when he plowed into a group of people. he hit some vendors. witnesses say there is no doubt in their minds that campbell was deliberately trying to hit people. >> when the car happened it was sort of, you know, surreal moment? but everybody moved to go and help people and so when i arrived i heard that, that the woman was critically injured. she was bleeding, face down. >> reporter: now police say that campbell killed one woman, injured 11 other people. they say he actually turned himself in saturday night. he is being held on a million dollar bond charged with murder. as for motive right now they say they're not exactly sure. they're still trying to figure out what led to this rampage. at the same time we're also
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learning about the vick tim, the woman who was killed. she is from italy. she was here on her honeymoon. we just got a picture of her and her husband. her name is alice grubiani. she is 32 years old. a people are still in shock what went down. at the cafe behind me they're holding a vigil at 6:00. they're inviting people to come down to pay tribute to the victims while police are trying to figure out why all this happened on saturday. jenna. jenna: we'll wait for updates. will, thank you very much. kelly: an unbelievable crash caught on video. a car goes airborne, taking out nearly everything in its path but wait until you hear what happens next. a-rod planning to take the field with the yankees tonight despite a looming suspension for doping. a closer look at the to the scandal could take on his career and the sport. >> there is more than one party that, that benefits from me not ever stepping back on the field
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that is not my teammates and it is not the yankee fans. eyfr@r i'm beth...
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infrom chase. so you can.
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jenna: right now some incredible video to show you. take a look at this. a car hitting a curb and, does a full flip coming to a rest on a bus stop bench. you say whoa, right? really is quite something. fortunately no one was sitting there at this time. the unbelievable crash was captured from this ohio gas station. the employee said the driver took out three pylons and a pay-phone. what makes this more bizarre. this was a rental. the driver took off after the crash. they're still looking for him and don't know if he is hurt. no injuries were reported at scene a bit of a mystery of what went wrong there in ohio. kelly: fox news alert. we are awaiting big news in the sports world. major league baseball expected
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to hand down a lengthy suspension for alex rodriguez. the penalty stemming from a doping scandal involving an anti-aging clinic miami. the "new york post" hammering the embattled yangtze star on its front page today. joining us, ken rosenthal, senior writer for and mlb on fox, and jeff foster, sports editor for "the wall street journal." thanks for joining us this morning. this is not a happy day for the mlb regardless of a-rod but there are other all-stars being implicated in all this and they face 50-game suspensions. what does this say about major league baseball, jeff? >> i think major league baseball is obviously trying to make a statement here and in many ways they're trying to make alex rodriguez the scapegoat for all this. they have had a lot of problems for steroids for a long time. this goes back to the late '90s. they turn ad blind eye on it for a while and they're trying to catch up to clean up the sport.
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even after the new drug testing rules it is still an epidemic. kelly: ken, if a-rod faces the kind of suspension we're hearing, he could be suspended for 214 games. is that a equivalent for a lifetime ban for him? he is what, now, 38? he would be 40 by the time the ban would end? would he be able to play? >> very good question. if he sits out this season and next and that obviously will not happen because he is playing through the appeal, but coming back after the 2014 season, after having surgeries on both hips, at the age of 39 or 40, not going to be easy for for him to do. not impossible. this is an elite athlete. so perhaps he can do it. but at the same time, that is a very fair question to ask. kelly: well, there are 13 other players as well also involved in this they face 50-game suspensions. why the difference? why is a-rod facing something like 214 games in suspension and others are getting a basic
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requirement of a 50-game suspension for doping? >> i mean it all depends on the evidence. if you're going by the standard drug agreement and first failed drug test would be 50 games. this isn't a matter of failed drug tests. they obviously have other evidence. his connection with anthony bosch and biogenesis. they probably have evidence he tampered with the investigation and maybe tampered with some of the witnesses. there is more there. i think that is why they're justifying a bigger suspension than 50 games. kelly: is it a situation where a-rod has actually damaged himself with some of his antics and behavior off the diamond? >> well, this has been the case for many years with alex, but at the same time, if he gets this kind of suspension and if mlb produces the kind of evidence they are said to have, certainly his legacy is that much more damaged and, it's going to be really interesting to see how the appeal works, whether he gets that suspension reduced and just exactly what this was about. kelly: yeah. we're going to hear about that
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today, but ken and jeff, before i let you go, i recall playing baseball when i was a little kid. i admired people like mickey mantle and willie mays and i looked up to the players. what do you think average kid is out there saying playing the game for the love the sport and seeing their sports heroes plummet into disgrace because of trying to use performance-enhancing drugs? >> i think baseball is at at bad moment. we had a hall of fame induction ceremony were no living players were inducted because they're all from the steroid era on the ballot. they're making improvement. baseball at one point was at a time you had to use peds to compete. i don't think that exists anymore. i think they're moving in the right direction. kelly: ken, you've obviously been to cooperstown and baseball hall of fame and memorabilia and the great stars. what is this doing to the game and people that love it so much? >> i don't know that it is
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hurting game at all. if you look at revenues and all those indicators they're stable and even on the rise. television contracts locally and dramatically have ris dramatically in recent years. the fact that the sport is trying and taking extraordinary step to reduce the use of performance-enhancing drugs that is a positive. at the same time, there is a healthy skepticism that exists among children as you said and among adults about what they're seeing. kelly: rightly some. ken rosenthal, jeff foss it, talking about the boys of summer having wintertime blues. thank you, guys. >> thank you. jenna: kelly, we have the announcement coming up 12 eastern time to get the details. we talked about the story for the last week but we expect the actual details and announcement to come up in the next hour. we'll keep an eye on a that. imagine this for your next meal. powdery substance with all the nutrients and calories our body needs. could adding water to this could a long way to fighting hunger around the world? we'll tell you what it is and
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why it matters. we're marking two years since u.s. creditworthiness was called in question during a debt ceiling debate. back then "time" magazine showed a bruised george washington to match the country's bruised ego after the loss of the stellar credit rating. stocks took a beating. is history about to repeat itself? that is the question next. to perfect! yep, and no angry bears. up to 40% off. only at
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>> could a product named after a
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charleston heston movie be an answer to world hunger? the georgia tech engineer believes his powdery substance that you're looking at could replace meals as we know them. jonathan is live in atlanta and this engineer, he envisions big things for this, right? >> he does indeed, kelly. the creator of soil it sees it as a potential to end world hunger. about half the world food production goes to waste so hunger on a global level is not really about lack of resources but logistics and he thinks his inexpensive, just add water powder, would do the trick. >> so something like this by not spoiling, by being easy to transport and by being very nutritionally dense by mass and volume, i think something like this could have a huge impact on global food security. >> he calls his product soylent.
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he inspired the film but unlike the product in the movie, his product is 100% vegan. >> 100% vegan so probably all the protein added into it as well as the mineral and vitamins but jonathan, how does it taste? >> it tastes like a mildly sweet soy milk. we put it to the taste test here on the fox news atlanta bureau and everyone was impressed. it didn't taste bad at all. he likes to add a little bit of vanilla to give it some extra flavor and believes there's a market for it here in the u.s. for people looking to save time and money. but people who work with food every day, they'll point out it's no replacement for the variety of tastes you experience with a traditional sit down dinner. listen. >> the thought of food, the smell of food you'll not get it with soylent.
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you're missing the actual enjoyment of food which is why the majority of us eat. >> we just have to be practical and realize the majority of our meals are really not that memorable, especially if someone is really busy, especially if someone doesn't have a lot of disposable. >> guilty as charged, many of us will go to a drive-through, get a burger and fries so he really sees soylent as a more nutritious equivalent to this. >> the story behind this is to get the nutrition into people that need it so desperately. thank you. jenna: exactly two years ago today our country's pride took a major hit and so did the economy and the stock market. s&p 500 downgraded the u.s. credit rating from the top notch status of aaa for the first time ever, a ratings agency doubted our ability to honor our debts. in the aftermath, you saw it.
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401k's took a hit, the markets took a dive and you might have seen this cover of "time" magazine that showed george washington with a black eye and the title, the great american downgrade. that picture says a lot. back then the debt ceiling showdown sparked the panic and that issue has returned to the forefront as republicans and democrats spar over the country's spending limit. other questions loom in the new mbz and some economists are now asking if they are the best indicators, those numbers, for whether or not our economy is okay. author of "unintended consequences, why everything you've been told about the economy is wrong." we're wondering, are these numbers that we traditionally look at to make us feel about the economy, are they fairly accurate? >> i think the unemployment number is higher than it appears to be because the participation rate has dropped off so dramatically and there's a pretty big chunk of part-time employment so i think those
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numbers, unemployment is really higher than it appears to be. we have a tepid recovery off a lower base. >> so you think that's a new normal? a lot of people are looking at the unemployment rate coming down, our growth overall being tepid but still being there and i'm wonder, why are we seeing unemployment go down and not such huge growth? >> part of it is we're seeing a lot of low paying jobs in the restaurant and retail sector so you can get a lot of employment and part-time employment that kicks the number up a little bit without really growing g.d.p. much. there's a little disconnect there but i think it's fairly easy to tie the numbers together. i think the big change is that it's growing clearer and clearer that we did not get a temporary demand that's going to come rebounding to the line we had prior to the crisis. we can grow lower off the base. jenna: what does that tell us about what america and our economy will look like? will we be number one just
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thinking about the new terms of the economy? >> i think we can grow normally off a lower base, get back to full employment but it will be at lower wages, lower wage rates than we had prior to the crisis. we had a much stronger, faster growing or hotter economy with more demand for employment. jenna: do you expect the standard of living to go down? >> i expect it to take a dip as a result of this and then recover gradually off a lower base. so can we continue to grow off the lower base? sure. but i think this affects all the policies we see the government doing. instead of trying to power up demands, we should have policies that promote long term growth. we're going to grow long term, not going to get a gain in the short run. jenna: it's interesting you bring up policy. that's always the economy with the economy. some people feel like you can forecast certain things but then there's always the unknown and i'm curious how you look at policy in all of this because we have a little break before all the lawmakers come back to s&p 500 -- d.c. so how much of a
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factor is washington really in this economy of today? >> i think that the high spending and the high tax rates that are required to support that spending, which we still haven't seen and still have to come if we continue at this rate certainly slow down the economy. the introduction of obamacare is certainly going to have a cause for the economy and slow it down as well. i think it's hard to believe those things don't slow the long term growth rate. i think some policies were put in place to push off the short-term growth rate f. you're not rebounding back to a 2007 trend line, you just get the slower growth rate anyway. what we should do is try to promote long term growth. jenna: short-term satisfaction is a tradeoff. i have to run but since the title of your book is why everything you've been told about the economy is wrong, i'm wondering if you could tell the viewers one thing they've been told all their lives that's wrong about the economy. >> we're consumer based economy and you see this now in the way
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they're changing the g.d.p. numbers to incorporate the fact there's more in our economy than it appears to be because we no longer build factories. we hire people to optimize the way we operate businesses and things like that and that's beginning to be recognized as investments. jenna: we're a talent driven economy? >> i think we're an innovation, talent based, driven economy. jenna: it's nice to have you. >> thanks for having me. >> the whitey bulger trial wrapping up closing arguments today but 83-year-old could spend the rest of his life in prison if convicted of murder, money laundering and other charges. our legal panel weighs in next. [ female announcer ] when you asked us to remove
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but my mouth is full of yogurt." a quarter million tweeters is beare tweeting. and 900 million dollars are changing hands online. that's why hp built a new kind of server. one that's 80% smaller. uses 89% less energy. and costs 77% less. it's called hp moonshot. and it's giving the internet the room it needs to grow. this&is gonna be big. hp moonshot. it's time to build a better enterprise. together. >> head of the republican national committee says if cnn and nbc go ahead with plans to do specials on former secretary of state hillary clinton, then the rnc won't participate with
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their channel in presidential debates or primary coverage. it comes after word of an nbc mini series on hillary and a cnn documentary on the former first lady. it's appalling to know executives at major net woshgz like nbc and cnn who have donated to democrats and hillary clinton have taken it upon themselves to be hillary clinton's campaign operatives, end quote. more on this developing story as we get it. closing arguments are underway right now in the whitey bulger case. the judge granting each side up to three hours and 15 minutes to make their final statements. bulger, a reputed mob boss, pleaded not guilty to murder, money laundering and rek eteering charges. let's bring in our legal panel to discuss this. gentlemen, thank you for joining us. let's get to this. these closing arguments could go for seven hours, it seems.
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i feel sorry for the jurors at this point. what do we anticipate from the defense in terms of its closing arguments? >> i think the first thing that they're going to do is show that whitey bulger was never an f.b.i. informant and that discredits the testimony of the other f.b.i. agents that came in and said they were. he's focussing mostly on the fact since he's not an f.b.i. informative, if they're wrong about that, what else are they wrong with? also his attorney has made a point that he would never kill two females. remember that he's been accused of killing deborah david and deborah husse and there's compelling evidence on behalf of one of the parents, a letter showing that her daughter was molested by steven fleming who was bulger's associate. so there's a lot of evidence showing that the federal government's evidence is not above and beyond a reasonable doubt.
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>> you're a former prosecutor. what do you anticipate the rebuttal will be or the closing arguments, i should say, from the prosecution in terms of what whitey bulger did or did not do? >> it's really unusual case here because we have an 83-year-old accused of 19 counts of murder and other crimes. his defense basically concedes a lot of the organized crime activities, enough counts that will surely put him awayison fo. a lot of murder counts are also very strong for the prosecution so it's not a question of will he be convicted. it's a question of whether the defense can put enough evidence to stop the counts of killing women and also the defense wants to show that he's not an informant, that he's not a rat. that's really important to the defense and also that we'll never have a verdict on that. that's important for the defendant, for his legacy and whether he goes into prison labelled as a rat or not. >> let me ask you this. we've seen this trial. it's gone on for several weeks now.
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jurors have heard dramatic testimony that has left some people leaving the courtroom in tears because of the descriptions of those particular murders. are you disappointed that whitey bulger elected not to stand on trial and actually give a testimony about what he did throughout his lifetime? couldn't we have learned more about f.b.i. informants and learned more about the culpability or no culpability at all from the government in terms of shielding whitey bulger or providing him some quote, unquote, immunity? >> sure. that's what we were waiting for. we were waiting for whitey bulger to take the stand and explain how above the corruption goes. we'll never hear that but again, whitey didn't take the stand. because of that he thought he had immunity defense granted by the fact he was protecting a former assistant u.s. attorney who had a contract on the mafia to kill him and since that immunity defense was never granted by the federal judge, he
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felt frustrated and in his own mind, he didn't want to dignify himself by taking a stand. he feels it's a sham. >> you get the final word on that one. >> i think the reason he didn't testify is because there's overwhelming evidence he was involved in organized crime for a decade and murdered several people and he couldn't stand the cross-examination on those counts. he couldn't testify and now we're up to the point where there's closing arguments and the verdict. >> it was whitey bulger on trial for his own actions. good day to you. jenna: more evidence today that sugary drinks are really bad for you. who is at risk? according to a new study and what you can do to lower the risk to improve your health. from our vantage point, it didn't look that bad but it did go bad. how it happened next.
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>> new information and some stories we're watching across country and around the world. some serious flooding in kansas. up to four inches of rain leaving parts of one town underwater. police urging drivers to stay off the road until the flooding subsides. in california, a big crowd coming out to watch the demolition of an old power plant, spectators staying at least 1,000 feet away but shrapnel injures five people, one losing their leg. first test tube hamburger in london. getting a taste test. i don't know about this one. the meat grown in a laboratory from stem cells of cattle and the reviews are in. two volunteers saying it has the texture of meat but falls short
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on flavor. i wonder why. jenna: a little mayo? we could make it work. that's good right now. the doctor is in and there's some new evidence that sugary drinks are not so good for us. new study linking sports drinks and juices to obesity in p preschoole preschoolers. 5-year-old who had at least one sugary drink each day were 43% more likely to be obese than those who drank them less frequently. the practicing cardiologist and assistant professor of medicine at the university of north carolina is also a dad. we'll talk to dr. campbell and the dad as well in you. sometimes it's tough with kids just to get them to drink liquids so the study is interesting. it says if you look at 2-year-olds and there was disagreement around 4-year-olds with sugary drinks, they didn't react to it but once the 5-year-old had the sugary drinks, their obesity rates went up. why is that? >> i think it's all a culture of
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eating healthy, exercise and choosing wisely. children can't make the choices for themselves so we as their parents and as adults have to set that example. obesity and obesity related illness is a $150 billion cost to the health care system in the u.s. today. it is important that we work on prevention. jenna: on that prevention and looking at the study, is that also true for us as we get older? are sugary drinks worse for us than they were when we were younger? >> absolutely. other studies have linked obesity to adults and late teens who use the sugary drinks. what we find now that's so important is that it starts early with these young children and ages two to five. we have to set a good example. they need to be drinking water and milk and things that nourish them rather than empty calories that we find in the sugary drinks. jenna: let's talk about what you
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did. if i saw a 5-year-old drinking a can of soda, i might say that's not so good but if i saw them drinking a juice box or smoothie, something with organic label perhaps, i might be like that's all right. they're five. so are all sugars created equal? how do you make the choices? some kids are not going to drink water and some kids are not going to drink milk and they have to drink something. >> for me we do things like fizzy water like selzer water and things like that. it's interesting to the children. it can have some flavoring and zero calories. my daughter is very health conscious and she likes organic foods and organic type drinks. i think it's fine to be fruit joyces but they need to have no added sugar and that's important to remember. jenna: when folks say it should be a treat, what are we talking about? once a month? once a week maybe? what is acceptable? >> you know, i think everything in moderation just like how much i know the staff there at fox
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news loves their hamburgers, every day is a problem but once every few weeks would be okay. but make sure they understand that's not routine. make sure they understand this is a special occasion. jenna: you called us out. i probably eat a hamburger more than once -- i do enjoy a coca-cola now and again, too. i try to keep it within moderation. kelly is drinking coffee, right? i'm drinking tea. thank you. always nice to have dr. campbell on the program. >> so good. while we're talking about food, let's digress. brand new details on what we know about something extremely serious to all of us and that's al qaeda. it plans to launch a major terror attack against western targets plus d-days for baseball's highest paid player. we're expecting a major announcement on a-rod and other high profile suspensions. a live report straight ahead. hey, the new guy is loaded with protein!
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really? 25 grams of protein.
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what do we have? all four of us, together? 24. he's low fat, too, and has 5 grams of sugars. i'll believe it when i--- [ both ] oooooh... what's shakin'? [ female announcer ] as you get older, protein is an important part of staying active and strong. ensure high protein... fifty percent of your daily value of protein. low fat and five grams of sugars. see? he's a good egg. [ major nutrition ] ensure high protein... ensure! nutrition in charge!
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>> fox news alert. it's 12:00 eastern and that means it's high noon for a-rod. major league baseball is expected to announce very shortly that it is suspending yankees star alex rodriguez stemming from his ties to a florida anti-aging clinic which is now closed and under investigation for peddling performance enhancing drugs. jenna: a-rod reportedly will not go down without a bit of a fight. all signs point to a drawn out battle that could go extra innings, pun intended there. we have the very latest for us. adam, what do we expect to find out today and when do we expect to hear the details? >> in fact, it's already been in extra innings, really. baseball wanted this thing done, signed and sealed last week. he continues to push o. we were expecting to hear something right about now, actually, high noon east coast time. we're told now that's been pushed off a bit. there are a number of players
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involved. anywhere from eight to 20 depending on if they're still playing, in the minor leagues and who you talked to and whether they've already served time. alex rodriguez being the biggest name of all. there's been a battle with his team, whether or not he can accept what major league wants to give him, 214 games and $34 million it would cost him in salary but now we're told it's been pushed off a bit and also the bio genesis lab in south florida that's involved and that may be the reason here why it's pushed off longer. they're trying to get as much of this signed, sealed and done before the commissioner says this is what we're going to do. jenna: publicly what we're hearing from a-rod himself is that he plans to fight to the end and even plans on taking the field tonight. he was talking about his team and teammates and the fans so what is a-rod's strategy here? >> well, it's messy for baseball no matter what happens. we do know that baseball has threatened him with a lifetime ban. the idea was that they threatened him with a lifetime ban, he would agree to something
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lesser but now most reports say he's threatened with the ban that would be this year and rest of next year which he does not want to agree to. it's $34 million in salary alone that could potentially end his career. he's already 38 years old any way but we're told he will appeal that. if the commissioner says today we're banning him for this year and next year and alex rodriguez says he's going to appeal it, we may have to wait before an arbitrator will finally rule on this. a-rod has been doing his rehab assignment and he may play tonight and when asked about this, he talks about being back with his teammates. take a listen. >> i can't wait to see my teammates. i feel like i can help us win. i can help us be a better team and i haven't seen a loft my brothers in a long time. >> and this comes all as the yankees are in the middle of a penant race. if he's allowed to play 20 games or so and he does well to get into the race, right now tampa bay is leading the east, what will that cause amongst baseball? this is going to be a
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potentially messy situation. why should you care? you have a lot of kids watching this. there's a lot of other players. we've been hearing about this publicly for at least 10 years now. players have known about it since the mid 90s. so now you have this once again coming out and it's very similar to what we saw in the bay area a couple of years ago with barry bonds. there was a clinic here. of course, that didn't play out well for baseball or bonds. he hasn't played since. we'll see how this plays as well. jenna: how are san francisco giants doing, adam? since you're out there. >> well, they're struggling a little bit. they're still a defending champion so all the dodgers fans, they can say, listen. for another 55 games or so, we're still the defending champions but they're having growing pains. they're not doing as well as they could. jenna: but i like the way that you position that. still champions until there's a new champion. >> we've had two out of three years. you have to gloat when you can. you know what that's like.
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jenna: all viewers should follow adam on twitter during the games. we'll continue to watch the wires and see when this announcement comes. thank you very much. >> absolutely. >> from scandal in the sports world to one erupting in washington and it could be even more troubling. word today of a secret unit within the drug enforcement agency, the d.e.a., that funneled information it got from intel intercepts, wiretaps, informants and phone records into criminal investigations am terrorism and now charges the agents were told to cover up the source of the investigations. for more on this, let's bring in the anchor of "special report." what is this all about with the d.e.a. and so-called secret units? >> it's a story reuters broke, an exclusive story to them and it's pretty detailed. so far the department of justice is not commenting on the story
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but essentially, it says that this special operations division, a unit within the d.e.a., is designed to use wiretaps, informants, intercepts, a whole slew of intelligence, including telephone records to then provide agents or law enforcement of any type tips. the story goes on to say, it operated like this. according to a former federal agent in the northeastern part of the country, you would be told only be at a certain truck stop at a certain time and look for a certain vehicle. we alert the state police to find an excuse to pull the vehicle over and then you would have a drug dog search it. and then after the arrest was made, the agents were told to pretend that the investigation began with that traffic stop. so covering the beginning part according to the documents that reuters has recovered of the
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investigation and how begun. as you can imagine, there are a lot of people out there who think that's probably not legal and a lot of people questioning whether that can go forward. others say it happened all the time and it's a great tool. >> when you say great tool, great tool for someone who is suspected of terrorism or some sort of crime but look at the average american. if we're stopping on a traffic stop, this raises red flags about the constitutionality of this kind of information being shared with the f.b.i., the department of homeland security, the i.r.s., the c.i.a. so what does that say about our privacy rights in america? >> i think this goes and dovetails with a lot of stories we've been doing lately about the n.s.a., the different programs within the u.s. government tracking telephone records of all kinds, even if you can get to millions and millions and millions of phone
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records. this is the same type of thing but it's a little more specific. the d.e.a. deals with drug crimes. not necessarily national security issues. it was set up really to deal with the latin american drug trafficking and the cartels and this unit, according to these documents, has been very active. >> and what we're seeing here is that there's a lot of information sharing but when you look at it from the standpoint of what happened with the n.s.a. and millions of americans feeling that their rights were violated in terms of people intruding or the government intruding on their privacy rights, again, it's going to raise another issue that americans will have to contend with and ask the question, what is the government doing? is it getting too big for its brichs to start snooping into my own personal records? >> sure. and that's a big concern now up on cap toil hill behind me. it's come up in multiple hearings and multiple different ways.
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i assume this will launch a number of different hearings about this particular program because you question how an investigation begins and defendants obviously have the right to know how that starts. >> good to see you, my friend. you can catch more on him on "special report" every weeknight at 6:00 p.m. eastern time right here on fox news channel. you'll enjoy it. jenna: we'll stay on politics a little bit. headquarters keeping an eye on the presidential race. carl has more on this. so we'll take one by one. what's status of the democrats? >> very busy, actually. you know, congress goes on recess and all the lawmakers go home to talk to the peeps about the 2014 re-elections but anybody looking at the presidency for 2016 tends to go to early voting states like new hampshire and iowa. democrats have been historically a party known for the combat and competing ideas. this time around, it's more like the republicans and there's a real difference. the democrats are kind of one
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dimensional. hillary clinton dominates all the democratic polls. if they doesn't run, they don't have a deep bench. vice president joe biden is going to head to new hampshire in js a couple of weeks. he'll be there for a fundraiser august 22. maryland governor has been talking about running for president and he's now begun delivering speeches that he says will outline his vision and cuomo is going to compete, too, but only if hillary doesn't run. not a lot of variation to choose from on the democratic side in a party that traditionally has been pretty divisive in the primary in picking the nominees. jenna: where does that leave the republicans? >> stark contrast. after 2012 republicans said they needed to find new ideas and do some reform in the party. in the senate, you have all kinds of co-ligs and tea party candidates. rand paul is running, ted cruz
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of texas, only been in washington for eight months but already people are trying to get him to noise and he's very conservative and marco rubio, a lead sponsor of the immigration bill and he was on "time" magazine as the g.o.p. big hope. among governors and there's plenty looking for the presidency, chris christie, the governor from new jersey making all kinds of news and made news for criticizing libertarians and rand paul specifically. then there's mike pence who has been planning to run for president since he was in congress. he's been the governor of indiana for a full time. jindal already visited certain states to test the water and walkers who won the recall election could be a real speaksman for reform. a couple of candidate didn't do well in 2012. governor rick perry and rick santorum, they like some tea party ideas but not all of them
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and the best known candidate, vice presidential candidate running mate paul ryan. he would have a huge rolodex and all kinds of name i.d. and former governor jeb bush. you have a very, very wide array of republicans, all with different personalities, difrp approaches, different policy suggestions for the g.o.p.'s future and democratic party that's fairly one dimensional and as a consequence, every single republican running will be measured against hillary. >> interesting. brand new poll finds chris christie the hottest politician in america based on a temperature rating. governor christie mean spur topping the thermometer at just over 54 degrees. democratic senator elizabeth warren of massachusetts coming in third with just over 49 degrees. jenna: interesting. an interesting way to look at the numbers.
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>> what's your temperature? jenna: okay. we thought we were going to talk about something different but the temperature. the temperature we're talking about. a dangerous scene. a train derailing, unleashing toxic chemicals in the air. where some families are spending a second day away from homes. we'll tell you where that's happening. plus a serious terror threat closing more than a dozen embassies. why this could be a sign the war on terror is far from over. >> the announcement itself may be designed to interrupt al qaeda planning, to put them off stride, to put them on the back foot, to let them know that we're alert and that we're on at least to a portion of the plot line. hmm...fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. yep, everybody knows that. well, did you know some owls aren't that wise? don't forget i'm having brunch with meghan tomorrow. who? meghan, my coworker.
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who? seriously? you've met her like three times. who? (sighs) geico. fifteen minutes could save you...well, you know.
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>> a quick look at stories overseas. a bomb explodes on a train in pakistan. wounding 13 people, three seriously. this marks the end of ramadan. in japan u.s. military
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helicopter goes down on an american air base on the southern island of okinawa. officials say all four crew members are believed to have survived the crash. the helicopter was a u.s. black hawk attached to the air force. and in china, a new push to lift the ban on families having a second child. a government panel is studying ways to lift the ban if either parent is an only child. jenna: interesting. top national security advisers have been monitoring the threat of an al qaeda terror attack and sources telling fox news that something big could be in the works and that's why we're seeing the closure of nearly two dozen embassies and consulates and concerns that al qaeda is regrouping or stronger than maybe was perceived. at the heart of the threat, the affiliate in yemen, which is proving resilient despite more than two years of american drone
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strikes against the leader, it's great to have you back on the program. a lot of folks will look and point at the drone program and say, look. it's much different than it was years ago and look at that as a victory. what do you make of that program and what we're hearing now with this new terrorist threat? >> i like the drone program quite a bit and it is selectively successful. we pick up a target here, we pick up a target there. when we fire those drones, we generally alienate the population and drive more people to the radical side. the reality is the sound bite last year of the president saying al qaeda is on the one was great. as you go to the c.i.a. and talk to analysts there working the al qaeda program, they would have said they're not on the run. in fact, they're growing and i think that's been the situation since well before osama bin laden and his key deputies were
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killed. al qaeda and affiliated similar networks continue to grow around the globe. jenna: speaking of the president, we have a sound bite from a little more recent than last year talking about the war on terror and one of the president's big speeches about foreign policy. let's take a listen to that. i'll get your reaction. >> today osama bin laden is dead and so are most of his top lieutenants. our homeland is more secure. a few of our troops are in harm's way and over the next 19 months, they'll continue to come home. our alliances is strong and so is our standing in the world. we are safer because of our efforts. jenna: that's what our viewers have heard from the president. this is the paradigm that the president was describing to us. no large scale attacks, yet we're seeing the shutting of our embassies overseas, we're told not to travel for at least
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another several weeks and this is all moving up until the next anniversary of 9/11. so what should we think about our safety? >> look. i have to wonder if we say we're not going to travel for a couple of weeks, that just means the bad guys can sit around for a couple of weeks and wait for the opportune time for them to do whatever it is they want to do. the fact is the threats are out there all the time. i noticed people on the talk show yesterday talking about the vast amounts of chatter out there. generally speaking, chatter is not good, hard core intelligence. it's chatter. it's just indications but it's not the really hard core stuff that you want to get. for closing down all of these embassies, it's better safe than sorry but i think part of the reality is, they don't want to have to be better safe than another benghazi and explaining later to the american public why something happened without some adequate warning. jenna: as a veteran i'm curious what you think about this and being so public about the shutting of embassies, being so
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public about telling americans not to travel. it reminds me of what we saw several months ago in boston, in the city of boston. the shelter in place strategy. lock everything down and stay indoors and no false moves and then you'll be safer. just with your background, colonel, what do you think about that as a way to combat terror? >> well, we may, in fact, be safer but it sure doesn't indicate to anybody who is watching us we're winning the war on terror or that we have al qaeda on the run. the reality is, even post 9/11 i was on quite a bit and i remember saying we as americans have to go about our daily business, realizing that some things are going to happen but don't let the terrorists win. don't give them the upper edge. it's okay to go out there and say we have threats. jenna: are we doing that here? >> let's continue living the way we're supposed to live. jenna: do you think we're doing it here and changing our business overseas? i understand that it's legitimate to say, listen. we're concerned and we'll have a strategy but to be so public about it, in a way, are the terrorists winning with these
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actions? >> they are. they're undoubtedly winning and they may not do anything until this month is over and then they'll pop up again next month. somewhere around the world at some time, something is going to happen and we as we do our business, as americans travel, as our embassies function and operate, as our commercial interests go on, everybody has to be alert all the time, realizing there are threats out there, there are people who don't even know us but they would love to kill us, kidnap us, they would love to cut our heads off. we just have to be aware those conditions and situations exist all the time and live our lives. jenna: the reality is what it is. it's always great to have you on the program to share it with us and bring us back to what really matters. thank you. >> thanks. >> after 35 days and 72 witnesses, jurors now hearing closing arguments in the white kwhi bulger trial. we're live at the courthouse. announcer: where can an investor
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be a name and not a number? scottrade. ron: i'm never alone with scottrade. i can always call or stop by my local office. they're nearby and ready to help. so when i have questions, i can talk to someone who knows exactly how i trade. because i don't trade like everybody. i trade like me. that's why i'm with scottrade. announcer: scottrade- proud to be ranked "best overall client experience."
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jenna: new analysis in the boston terror bombings. while many in law enforcement expected that the older brother was the so-called brains behind the operation, it turns out surviving younger brother may have played a bigger role. a psychologist and language analyst says that dzhokhar tsarnaev was committed to violence as far back as last october and here is why he thinks that. he was looking at the younger brother's tweets. he had a twitter account. 11 of those tweets came after the boston marathon bombings. he was tweeting far back from that and that's what this analyst looked at. he has pleaded not guilty to 30 counts related to the bombings. we'll keep you posted as we hear more. >> some 100 families in a small
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louisiana town still cannot go home a day after a train derails forcing residents to get to safety. laura is live from our news room with more details on this. >> you know, it's been a scary situation for residents who live within a mile of that derailment. most unable to come even near their homes. the train derailed sunday afternoon near the small community about 60 miles west of baton rouge, louisiana. a union pacific spokesman says there are several cars they are concerned about. one involved in this 27 car derailment was leaking sodium hydroxide which can cause injuries or even death if inhaled or touches the skin. a third car was leaking a flammable liquid. all of those leaks have been plugged up. so far, small air pollution detectors have not picked up anything. three other cars contain flammable liquids that did not leak but they need to have the contents carefully extracted
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which the teams hope to finish up tonight. one passerby was taken to the hospital with unknown injuries and the two people who were on the train, an engineer and conductor, are said to be okay. louisiana governor who was seen shortly after the incident says law enforcement is doing what it can to help local residents. >> state police and sheriff's deputies are working families if they have animals or prescription drugs. evacuation order remains in place. next step is as soon as they can assure to do so, they'll do escorted entries. help people go back if they have animals, prescriptions they need to get. >> this area of track had just been inspected three hours before the derailment. everything was said to be okay. the train crew has been interviewed by investigators who are also reviewing the event recorder on board which is essentially like an aircraft black box. we'll get you more as we have it here in the news room. jenna: as the showdown of media giants leaving millions of tv
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viewers in the dark. what's behind the spat between time warner and cbs and when it could end? we'll tell you ahead in just a moment. and we've seen this quite a few times. it's the only one we've seen of this guy, monster whitey bulger. he was on the run for nearly two decades and one of america's most wanted fugitives. closing arguments are underway in his murder and racketeering trial. a live report just ahead.
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jenna: we have some big news out
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of boston. whitey bulger trial is winding down and closing arguments are underway. 83-year-old reputed crime boss accused of involvement in 19 murders in what is a very complex case, all things considered. we have more. how is the prosecution summing up their case? >> well, they have been talking since about 9:00 this morning so it's been over three hours that they've been trying to make the final arguments. last thoughts they want to leave in the minds of the jurors. the prosecutor saying he's one of the most vicious and calculating criminals ever to walk the streets of boston. that's assistant u.s. attorney in court today speaking with the jury. they say bulger can't distance himself from his associates and it doesn't matter these indictments came down nearly 20 years ago in some cases. it doesn't matter if he was an f.b.i. informant because when he put his gun to someone else's head, argues prosecutor, that he was guilty of murder.
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what matters is whether the defendant is guilty. he's the one on trial here and not the government. then he goes on to detail those 19 murders that they allege bulger committed along with his associates so a big case still in court today as the prosecution lays out exactly the final arguments. the defense will get their chance to make their final arguments later on this afternoon. jenna: what is the time line for deliberations? >> well, after today's final arguments are made, the judge is expected to give some information for the jury, her directives as they look at the law, head back to begin discussing all of this but there's a lot to discuss. this is the incitement. it's quite a monster. there are more than 30 counts that involve bulger and just in the first two counts, it's divided into acts and all of these acts detail the multiple allegations against him from the murders to extortion and it's laid out one by one. this is a lot to go through.
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they will certainly have a lot of paperwork to pore over and not to mention all the witnesses that came over the course of the trial to take the stand. jenna: very interesting. thank you very much. >> what's next in iran? fox news is learning there's a debate going on at the white house on how to proceed with nuclear diplomacy as iran swears in a new president, a cleric who happens to be iran's former top nuclear negotiator. senior white house foreign affairs correspondent live from the state department with more details on this. wendell? >> the folks here and at the white house quietly hoping that the election means the turning point in iran's relations with the west, international sanction have crippled that country's economy. he is making slur he would like to get out from under the sanctions but he's not offering to bargain away iran's nuclear program. for the first time since the 1979 revolution, iran invited foreign dignitaries to the swearing in of the new
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countries. about 50 countries sent representatives. he spoke to the international community and said if you seek a suitable answer, speak to iran through the language of respect, not through the language of sanctions. white house notes he himself said his election represented a call by the iranian people for change and press secretary jay carney said should this government seek to meet the obligation and find a peaceful solution to this issue, it will find a willing partner in the united states. it is still unclear that he could have any impact at all on iran's nuclear program which is controlled by the ayatollah. experts say the u.s. needs to test that quickly. the question is how? >> one of the questions that the administration has to resolve is do you go big or do you go small? you know, at what point do you try to fix everything and can you fix the small things if you don't change the whole context of u.s.-iranian relationship? >> president obama may not have
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much flexibility in offering carrots to iran. 76 senators have sent him a letter calling on him to toughen sanctions and reinforce the military option while a diplomatic resolution that keeps iran from developing a nuclear weapon. jenna: continuing on this new developments in the iran nuclear showdown with fears that iran could begin producing weapons grades plutonium needed for an atomic bomb and they could do so by next summer. they're using a new technology to do this. until now the thinking was iran could power the nukes but now concerns that it could be using a heavy water nuclear reactor to produce the plutonium needed for a bomb. heavy water reactor could be an easier target by a military strike and an underground facility which could house the iranian enrichment facility. it's better that they get no
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nuclear weapons period. if you're missing your favorite programs on one major network, you're not alone. viewers in cities across country are getting the short end of the stick as time warner cable pulls cbs from the lineup and a very high stakes battle over subscription fees. the fox business network is live with more and many people are asking, why? why is this happening? >> it's essentially all about retrans mission fees which is compensation for putting broadcast stations on cable systems. cbs is reportedly asking for an increase of $1 a subscriber to hike it up to $2. they call the request outrageous saying on a statement crucial that we let cbs know that we're willing to do what it takes to keep down the price of tv. they point out to viewers, cbs's website. then cbs shut down on line access to its website for all time warner markets nationwide,
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far beyond the three marks that we're talking about. jenna: very interesting to see the back and forth as a customer of time warner. so any indication about how long this is going to last? >> yeah. it's hard to tell right now. cbs has been dark for more than 67 hours in the three million homes in new york, l.a. and dallas and showtime channel went off the air in all 12 million homes by time warner cable. immediate analysts say it could be between 10 days to six weeks and it could even last until september and the nfl season, which is what a lot of people are waiting for, which would certainly weaken time warner's negotiating position. jenna: certainly does for me. i could do without some of the programs in summer but when football comes around, i don't know. they'll have to figure this out. >> exactly. jenna: it will be interesting to see how they solve it. thank you very much. >> thank you. >> jenna likes her football. jenna: all of a sudden it got serious there. wait a minute. not football. that's different. >> alert, alert.
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all right. meantime, it may be summer break on capitol hill but that hardly means a break in the fighting going on. the big role interest groups and activists are now playing on key issues like immigration, obamacare or gun control that could find their way into new laws. plus the man in charge of an entire country's army now sent to jail for the rest of his life. what u.s. ally is doing this and why. the great outdoors...
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...and a great deal. thanks to dad. nope eeeeh... oh, guys let's leave the deals to ooh that one! nice. got it! oh my gosh this is so cool... awesome! perfect! yep, and no angry bears. the perfect place is on sale now. up to 40% off. only at
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hey, the new guy is loaded with protein! really? 25 grams of protein. what do we have? all four of us, together? 24. he's low fat, too, and has 5 grams of sugars. i'll believe it when i--- [ both ] oooooh... what's shakin'? [ female announcer ] as you get older, protein is an important part of staying active and strong. ensure high protein... fifty percent of your daily value of protein. low fat and five grams of sugars. see? he's a good egg. [ major nutrition ] ensure high protein... ensure! nutrition in charge! jenna: new protests erupting in turkey today. riot police firing tear gas and water cannons. former military chief was sentenced to life in prison in his role for trying to overthrow the government. hundreds of others arrested for attempting a coup in 2002.
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>> capitol hill may be quiet this month during the summer recess but lawmakers hoping for a break from the political battles when they head home, may be out of luck. because activists and interest grups are gearing up for fights on issues like immigration reform, funding obamacare and gun control. joining us is the contributing editor for the american conservator magazine and host of the alan colmes show and author of "thank the liberals for saving america." this is an august that i think will be extra reminiscent of what we experienced in 2009, the summer recess may be far from a time of relaxation for members of congress because of all the issues. what do you say, jim? >> i agree. i think that both parties now have learned since that experience in 2009 when sort of the tea party protestors showed up and really raised the roof on
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democrats on what was then called obamacare and it sort of threw the defendants on the defense and the legislation passed the following year and later that year in 2010, the republicans captured the house. so i think now people realize that these august recess, town hall hearings are an opportunity to show strength as to who can ramp up the numbers and show a strong grass roots presence. it's amusing to read in politico that the organizing for america, the successor to the obama presidential campaign had an event celebrating the affordable care act which had a grand total of one person showing up for it. so there could be a gap between the enthusiasm between the republicans and the democrats going into the next election year. >> how do the democrats, what are they doing to prepare for this summer recess? i mean, to be different than what they anticipated or expected to happen in 2009 when the tea party real did a number
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on them and led to what president obama called shellacing in the midterm. >> one person showed up and then you have 40 times the congress has tried to overturn obamacare, all or part, and didn't they say they keep doing things over and over again and wanting a different result? you have the republicans threatening to shut down the government. you have a house leader who brags about having done nothing. it is a do-nothing congress. you have a senate lead whoer is facing a very big battle on the left and the right from a democratic opponent and all he said is i just want to make sure president obama is out of office. that continues by the tea party groups and all of those. that's why this dialogue continues throughout the summer. >> if you look a little closer at the republican party, inside the g.o.p., there seems to be a
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skism between the ranks of conservatives as well as those who are moderate and they're looking at this as alan is alluding to, some of them are backing away from that so the republican party needs to get itself together, too, if they intend to amount any type of comeback against the democrats for the midterms. >> right. i agree. but if you want a poisonous at mot fear, have the i.r.s. investigate you. >> let me talk about this. political interest groups are putting out ads for and against the affordable care act and they're also out there talking about immigration for and against immigration reform so does this stir more political businesses when they return to washington to do the business of american people? >> i think they have to figure out how to finesse this. there's a split in the republican party on immigration and on how to deal with the
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affordable care act, aka obamacare and also a split in the democratic party how to get jobs back in the economy, how to deal with the president. is the president an asset or a liability to them when they campaign? a lot of parties have to sort it out and they have to under the hot lights of want only television cameras but their cell phone camera looking for the most outrageous coming out of the town hall meetings this month. >> alan, when they return in september, they will have to immediately deal with a budget showdown, immigration reform, the new health insurance marketplaces going into the different states to comply with the affordable care act better known as obamacare. do you anticipate that they can get the job done? >> no, i don't. i think there's, again, such a toxic atmosphere. but if they look at the numbers in maryland, new york and california where they institute the exchanges and premiums are going down, they would know exactly what to do. you have to fight as jim suggested, within the republican party on immigration. they can't get their act together on that. you don't have a party in lock
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step in terms of what their vision is. they say repeal and replace. replace with what? so they've got to decide what their vision is before they can actually have a dialogue with the democratic party about what they want to do. >> and final word from you, sir. >> well, i would just say for every state that alan can cite where premiums are going down, they have states like ohio where it's going on. it was not the republicans who called the affordable care act, quote, a train wreck, unquote. that was a leading democrat. it's not quite as open and shut. the 2014 elections are going object exciting because nobody knows who has the upper hand right now. >> i guess you would all agree it's a hot summer recess. >> we would a degree on that. >> thank you. >> thank you. jenna: up next acla is getting involved with health care. why they're taking it on and what all the fuss is about. also a man responsible for millions and millions of murders
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honored in his home town. why the once torn down statue will be put up again. this is george. the day building a play set begins with a surprise twinge of back pain... and a choice. take up to 4 advil in a day or 2 aleve for all day relief. [ male announcer ] that's handy. ♪ ... ... ... ... :
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>> a brutal school bus beating caught on video and we have to warn you, it's difficult to watch. three boys attacked a victim when he gets up to exit the bus. you can see it going on right there. they're pummelling him. you can hear the bus driver calling dispatch for help. this happens last month in florida and now the driver is under investigation for failing to break things up. county policy only requires drivers to call for help, not to get involved. police say he had time to intervene on the boy's behalf. investigators have turned the surveillance video over to
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prosecutors who will determine if the driver will be charged with child neglect. jenna: it is hard to watch. man. the aclu is kicking up a storm of protests by opposing the merger of several hospitals in washington state with catholic charities. here is more on this. dan? >> yeah. hi. it's a holy war of sorts pitting catholic-run health care against anti-church forces and the battleground happens to be one of the most unchurch states in the nation. if all the planned hospital mergers go through, by the end of the year, half of the beds in washington state will be catholic run. aclu has threatened to sue to block the mergers between peace health and a handful of small secular hospitals. legal services such as abortion and doctor assisted suicide won't be available to many people because they're not provided at catholic-run hospitals. >> they couldn't possibly win here at the ballot box for the policies that they want to put into play. but by controlling the
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hospitals, the physician practices, the labs, what they're doing is they're circumventing their political process. >> a catholic leader says all they're doing is continuing the church's mission of providing quality health care. for many years the only hospitals in washington were all run by nuns. these are not catholic takeovers because each case -- in each case the secular hospital sought out the hospital to avoid having to shut down. the issue is choice between catholic health care or no health care at all. meantime, abortion and doctor assisted suicide will still be available where it has always been in clinics and private practices. the church says they will not change their position on the sanctity of life. >> our mission says that we relieve pain and suffering. as an oncology nurse, i never met a patient who didn't want one more day if you could relieve pain and suffering. >> still washington's democratic governor seems to side with the aclu.
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he's ordered a review of the state's role in the hospital mergers. jenna: thank you. >> on high alert around the world with our embassies in the middle east shut down, amid terror chatter that some say is reminiscent of what preceded the 9/11 attacks. what al qaeda may be planning and what's being done to keep you safe. we're live with the story next. [announcer] there's no hiding the goodness of the latest from
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beneful baked delights. new heartfuls are made with real bacon... ...and oven-baked to crisp perfection. new heartfuls from beneful baked delights. still running in the morning? yeah. getting your vegetables every day? when i can. [ bop ] [ male announcer ] could've had a v8. two full servings of vegetables for only 50 delicious calories.
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>> an interesting story to share wu. one of the dictateors of the 21st century is put on a pedsital. before going to the scrap heap of history stalin is honored in his hometown in the former soviet republic of georgia. stalin's stat u was taken
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douvenlt georgia's president opposes the move. there it is coming down and now it will get put back up again. >> it raises questionses. >> indeed, appropriately so. >> they don't knowh people that stalin was responsible for the deaths. >> 20 million. >> he was brutal. >> that is happening in georgia today. thank you for joining us everybody. namerica live starts right now. >> fox news alert. we are waiting to get new reaction from the white house to heightened concerns about a potential terrorist plot threatening basses all over the world. white house briefing scheduled and press secretary jay carney is expected to take questions on the mass closures now extended for orth week. welcome to america live.
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im greg jarret. >> taking everyone by surprise. i am jamie colby in for megyn kelliy. 19 consulates in africa and the araban peninsula. it is saturday or longer. and authorities are not taking chances here at home either. >> security is raised as we are hearing the significant plot involved surgically implanted bombs. gen joins us with the latest. >> chairman of the joint chiefs arrived at the state department for a working lunch with secretary of state john kerry. in the top of the agenda will be a discussion of the current threat to embassy security in north africa and the middle east. the decision to close 19 u.s. embassies and consulates from


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